3 Low-Cost Funds That You Should Consider

Investing is hardly one of those things that ensures that you do get what you pay for. It is the reason why fund sponsors want you to look at everything except for funds’ expense ratios.

However, the real success of investing in mutual funds lies in keeping your costs low even if there are other factors involved.

Keeping this in mind, here are 3 low-cost funds that you should consider:

#1: Fidelity Total Bond

For sometime now, Fidelity has launched an excellent range of bond funds of which Fidelity Total Bond is well-worth investing in. With a yield of 2.5% annually, it charges only 0.45%. In the last 5 years, its returns amounted to 5.7% and the fund’s bonds average quality ratings have a score of triple-B.

#2: Primecap Odyssey Stock

This stock, offered by Primecap, which is located in Los Angeles, is steady for the reason that it has trailed the S&P 500 by barely 0.2%. It must also be pointed out that it is 7% less volatile than the S&P index and its charges are only 0.63% annually.

#3: Vanguard Dividend Growth

With expenses at only 0.31% a year and this fund losing only 42.3% during the 2007-09 bear market, this fund has a reputation of hiking dividends on a regular basis. Best part: it is less volatile than S&P index even if it lags behind the S&P 500 by 0.8 percentage point a year.