Ways you’re losing money without realizing it


You may sometimes dip into your saving for an emergency car repair or travel plans you just couldn’t cancel. This happens, and is quite normal, just as long as you get back on track. But there are some fees and charges that you may not know you are paying for. This may happen due to your own carelessness or laziness. Here are a few, that you should stop paying now;


Bank fees – Bank fees are annoying and you can spend up to $4.50 to pull out money on an out of network ATM. You may also spend on overdrafts (up to $33) and maintenance fees (up to $6). These bank fees could add up to at least $600 a year. Fix this problem by understanding your spending patterns and choosing a bank and an account more suited for you.

Unused gift cards – If you check your drawers, you may find a number of unused or expired gift cards. To avoid this, use your gift cards now for future purchases or you could re gift it to someone who may use it.

Airline surcharges – Booking your flight via telephone can set you back $25 on Delta and United and more on other airlines. Ask for details over the phone, hang up and make your booking online. On budget carriers bring your own entertainment, blankets and food to save more.

Underutilized subscriptions – For example most of us have gym memberships but hardly ever use the gym more that 4 times a month. If you are a frequent visitor at the gym then the membership fee is well worth it. But if not, cancel your membership and opt for an outdoor run/walk/hike or a home workout instead.